Sunday, January 18, 2009

life is good

ah, i'm in a good mood.

my brand new com, although very troublesome in the sense i have to DL all my stuff all over again.. it's freaking imba! i'm enjoying the ultra fast speed of it.. boots super fast (well for now, i dunno after installing everything if it'll be considerably slower) and can switch windows and navigate with NO LAG. suiiii.

and well, today played BOTH soccer and basketball! woo.
soccer was fun cos i scored several goals and made several assists, including one perfectly weighted long ball to gabs who scored a bicycle kick ^^ hahah.

the difference btwn soccer & bball is that since much less goals/points are scored in soccer, they feel more shiok. like in bball if i score i just.. nonchalantly walk away. cos it's rather frequent. but in soccer just score one goal and i'm pumping my fist and high-fiving my teammates.

bball was fun too cos i had the FEEL. yknow , the feeling when you release the ball and you know for sure it's gonna go in and can murmur 'chop/swoosh' to your marker who's stumbling into you. shiook.
didnt win alot of games though.. though i think my team played pretty well most of the games, just suay suay let in some lucky baskets. lol.

have to be super thrifty now ! spending $915 is no joke. must save save. cheapo #3? =)